Open Positions

  • Web-Programmer/Designer. Currently we have an opening for a Web-Programmer/Designer position. The announcement can be found here [pdf]

  • Postdoc PositionCurrently we have an opening for a position on Superconducting Quantum Computing. The announcement can be found on the ETH job portal.

  • PhD PositionCurrently we have an opening for a position on Superconducting Quantum Computing. The announcement can be found on the ETH job portal.

Our group offers a wide range of opportunities for

  • Semester Thesis / Summer Students (3-4 positions per term, apply early).

  • Bachelor / Masters Thesis Students (2-3 positions per term, apply early).

We are looking for students who are interested in mesoscopic solid state physics, low temperature physics, atomic physics, quantum optics, and quantum information science.

Semester-, Bachelor- and Master-Theses for ETH students

Each term we offer opportunities to perform Master or Semester thesis research projects for students at the Master and Bachelor level. The projects are open to BSc and MSc students in Physics, Interdisciplinary Sciences, Quantum Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Micro and Nano Science and other fields.

Bachelor and Masters thesis projects are available throughout the year. Typically they last from 4-6 months depending on the degree program. You will interact with experienced researchers guiding your project and will have the unique opportunity to contribute to a strong research program conducted at a leading European research institution.

To apply, please submit your application including a curriculum vitae, transcripts of your Bachelor and Master programs, and a short statement of your research interests, motivation and skills through this application portal (click on "Job Details" for more information about the position). Additionally, you may upload a pdf copy of prior bachelor or semester theses (as available). Please indicate clearly in your documents if you are applying to do a Semester, Master or other type (specify) of research work. Projects will be assigned following a project selection meeting typically held in the second half of the current term for the following term to which you will be invited after an initial screening of your application.

Research Projects Opportunities for external students

For students at the Master and Bachelor level we offer opportunities to perform reseach projects.

The research project includes hands on research work in our labs that is supervised by experienced graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. The work includes writing a report and doing a presentation on your research in our group seminar.

To apply, please submit your application including a curriculum vitae, transcripts of your Bachelor and Master programs, and a short statement of your research interests, motivation and skills through this application portal (click on "Job Details" for more information about the position). Additionally, you may upload a pdf copy of prior bachelor or semester theses (as available). Please indicate clearly in your documents for which type of project you apply (e.g. Bachelor thesis, Master thesis, summer intern).

How to learn more

Further information on our work can be found on this website. For additional information you may contact Prof. Andreas Wallraff ( directly (no applications).