Dr. Arkady Fedorov
Alumnus (former Postdoc)

was a PostDoc at the Quantum Device Lab from March 2010 to December 2012. After leaving QuDev Arkady was appointed as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland, Australia and is Chief Investigator of the SQD Lab.

Arkady received his PhD in 2005 from Clarkson University, US.  He joined the group of Prof. Gerd Schoen at the University of Karlsruhe as a PostDoc in 2006, working on a theory of superconducting qubits. He transferred to TU Delft in 2007, working with Prof. Hans Mooij and his group on conducted experiments with the flux qubit.

+61 (07) 3365 3418
School of Mathematics & Physics, The University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia